Magento connections

We develop connetions with external software for both Magento 1 & Magento 2.

Because of Magento's flexibility it is very well suited to be connected to different external software packages. Wezz e-Commerce development a large number of solid Magento connections in the past. For instance with Accounting Software, fulfilment systems and Payment Service Providers.


Magento connections


Wezz e-Commerce is specialist in the development of Magento connections


Develop a Magento connection?

Wezz e-Commerce is happy to advise you on best way to connect your Magento installation to external software. Contact us to talk about the possibilities.

more about Magento?

We’ve got you covered.

Building a Magento 2 Webshop

Building a Magento 2 webshop is a business decision that demands a systematic approach and pragmatic decision-making.

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Mollie or Adyen

With the rise of digital transactions, payment processing companies such as Mollie and Adyen have become essential for facilitating secure and efficient online transactions. What are the differences and which one do we prefer?

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Composable commerce with Magento

In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, businesses are continuously seeking agile and adaptable solutions to meet the dynamic needs of the market. One such innovative approach that has gained significant traction in recent years is Composable Commerce.

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The Difference Between Headless and Composable Commerce

In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, two terms have gained significant traction among businesses seeking flexibility and customization: "headless commerce" and "composable commerce."

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